Tuesday the 17th, is relatively a nerve-wracking date for me.
Reason being, it is supposedly my PR2. I had to show my school supervisors the
project and progress of it thus far. It isn't really that big a deal to some
people, but to me, it really is huge as I am pretty much worried about the
project. I mean like, I am not sure if whatever I have done would be sufficient
and also if it’s up to the standard as to how the school supervisors want it to
So, guess what? After sharing with him whatever things I have as
my Major Project, I am proud of it and I dare say, it looks impressive. I
really believe now that the most important thing is that I have put in my best
effort for it. I mean like for someone who has been removed from school before
and hated by the lecturers, I really think that my project work was really up
there. Furthermore, the work that I did is really a lot. And coming from a
management course with no knowledge of design and programming, the projects
that I am using are pretty huge.
So about 6 months ago, I started out on a new chapter of my
diploma education. Being attached out for the Student Internship Programme, I
was sent to Saudi Arabian Airlines, now known as Saudia Airlines, as an Airline
Representative. What is life without the challenges faced right? Since the very
start, I already faced obstacles; I ended up being attached to the General
Sales Agent of the company and am doing the Reservation and ticketing side of
things. Then came a problem of projects.
You see the Major Project that accompanied the SIP was supposed to
be done with other interns to that company, so in my case, I am supposed to be
doing one project with this other guy who is attached to the airport throughout
the full 6 months term. However, he was supposed to do an Emergency Plan for
the airline, and I was still left there hanging with no projects whatsoever. That
feeling really sucked cause I once again underwent this pressure of the
negative mindset; ‘I’m a failure, and always will be’.
But few months on, I decided that I should not just brood over the
fact that I don’t have a solid project that can guarantee me an A. instead, I
told myself that with the amount of effort that I put in, the most important
thing is that I do my very best and present to the board of judges what I have
to impress them with.
So I ventured on doing a website for SATS staff to go on and make
a reservation for our airline. Something like staff corporate benefits. After
which, I went on with the electronising the procedures done in the office at
the CTO. And only few weeks back that I thought; ‘hey I should do up a
marketing plan for them’. With that, I looked into the possibilities of creating
posters and brochures for the CTO.
Now, looking back at my work, I am really quite impressed with
myself. The posters looks of really good standards and I really like how it
actually looks.
Anyway now it’s the midweek of my second last week attached and it
so happens that an audit is being done to SIN station; which means to say that
I have to hide in the office over on the third floor, which frankly sucks cause
the people there sucks. I mean in general I don’t really like the working
environment over in this company but its far worst over on the third floor. I
just felt that I wanted to punch their faces earlier on.
Lucky thing was that I managed to control myself. I guess it’s
really the stress that I am facing.
Ok I have to make an exit now, meeting my lovely Teerak for dinner